Book Publication Process

Navigate the journey from manuscript to marketplace with Koryfi Group’s Book Publishing Process. Our step-by-step guide ensures professional manuscript evaluation, meticulous editing, captivating cover design, and robust marketing support to turn your literary creation into a published reality.

Koryfi Group
Steps to Publish
  • Manuscript Submission

    Authors interested in publishing with Koryfi Group of Media and Publications can submit their manuscripts through our online submission portal. Ensure that your submission includes a well-prepared manuscript and any required supporting materials

  • Editorial Review

    Our experienced editorial team will carefully review submitted manuscripts. This process includes a comprehensive evaluation of the content, structure, and overall quality of the work. Authors may receive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

  • Acceptance and Contract

    Upon successful review, selected manuscripts will receive an acceptance offer. Authors will enter into a publishing agreement with Koryfi Group of Media and Publications. The contract outlines terms such as royalties, publication rights, and other relevant details.

  • Manuscript Editing

    Authors work closely with our professional editors to refine and polish the manuscript. This process may involve developmental editing, copy editing, and proofreading to ensure the highest quality of the final work.

  • Cover Design and Layout

    Our design team collaborates with authors to create an eye-catching book cover and format the interior layout. Authors have the opportunity to provide input and feedback throughout this creative process. We will provide 3 layout options.

  • ISBN Assignment

    Each published book receives a unique International Standard Book Number (ISBN) by the Govt of India, which is essential for cataloging and identifying the book in the market.

  • Printing and Production

    For physical copies, the book is sent to the printing stage. We ensure high-quality production to meet industry standards. Simultaneously, digital versions are prepared for e-book formats.

  • Distribution and Release

    Books are made available through various distribution channels, including bookstores, online retailers, and libraries. The official release date is announced, marking the availability of the book for purchase.

  • Marketing and Promotion

    We implement marketing strategies to promote the book, including online and offline promotional activities. This may involve social media campaigns, book launch events, and collaboration with influencers.

  • Sales and Royalties

    As books are sold, authors receive royalties based on sales. We provide regular sales reports to authors and handle the distribution of earnings.

  • Author Engagement

    Authors are encouraged to engage with their readers through book signings, interviews, and participation in literary events. We support authors in building and maintaining their online presence.

  • Ongoing Support

    Our commitment to authors extends beyond the publication date. We offer ongoing support, addressing any additional needs, and working collaboratively on future projects.

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