Dr. Manoj Shukla

Dr. Manoj Shukla

Having been a passionate academician with 34 years of teaching and research, Dr Shukla is presently, an adjunct professor at Gurugram University, Gurugram, Haryana. He has successfully delivered more than 27 invited talks in national and international conferencesand navigated three cycles of NAAC accreditation in his preceding organizations. Being Coordinator of the PARAMARSH, a scheme of the UGC to guide institutions for NAAC accreditation, he effictively conducted Academic & Administrative Audit in 9 HEIs, including two in Manipur.

Besides, he has been the convener of 27 National and international conferences organised at his preceding institution. He has edited four books and published 22 research papers in Scopus and UGC CARE indexed journals, Dr Shukla has presented his works in many esteemed international and national conferences.

Books By Dr. Manoj Shukla